Master in accounting

faculty of Economy - Accounting Department



The Accounting program offers an in-depth study of business accounting and finance. It includes the study of accounting theory and applications, accounting rules and various theoretical frameworks for advanced investments and financial management. It also includes the study of tax accounting, international accounting and social accounting. It includes many basic subjects such as cost accounting, total accounting, financial accounting, financial analysis, economic accounting, tax accounting, and social financial accounting. It includes many additional materials such as advanced financial analysis, advanced financial management, binary investments, foreign exchange, electronic accounting, and electronic social accounting.


1. Developing the scientific and research skills and capabilities of students in the field of accounting

2. Focusing on presenting study and practical cases that help students understand the reality in the fields of specialization.

3. Graduating competencies specialized in the field of accounting to contribute to achieving the goals of raising the level of the accounting profession

4. Organizing seminars, scientific conferences and panel discussions in the field of accounting, auditing and costs

5. Participate in the preparation of studies, research and development, and provide consultations to institutions working in the fields of accounting, auditing, and costs

6. Contribute in the areas of authorship and translation in accounting, auditing and costs to fill the shortage in references and specialized periodicals.

7. Building bridges of cooperation and exchanging scientific and practical experiences with various scientific bodies specialized in areas related to accounting, auditing and costs.


A. Knowledge and understanding:

A.1- Knowledge and understanding of scientific theories and principles in the field of accounting, auditing and costs. And to devise what serves public and private institutions.

A.2- Knowledge of the latest changes and scientific developments in the areas of specialization used in the development of modern organizations.

A.3- Knowledge of the foundations, principles and scientific steps used in the development of individual, administrative and institutional performance.

A.4 -Transfer of knowledge and successful experiences in the corresponding institutions in the areas of specialization to benefit from them in the development and development of Libyan institutions.

B. Mental skills:

B.1-The ability to understand modern theories and knowledge and their applications in the fields of specialization.

B.2- The ability to think and mentally innovate and keep abreast of scientific developments in the fields of specialization.

B.3- The ability to recognize the problems facing organizations in areas of specialization and draw conclusions about them.

B.4- Contribute to the integration of knowledge to serve the development of areas of specialization and other disciplines.

C. Practical and professional skills:

C.1 Mastering practical and professional skills in the fields of specialization to serve the labor market.

C.2 Using modern methods in the fields of specialization to contribute to the practical development of organizations.

C.3 Application of electronic software and contemporary technologies in the field of accounting, auditing and costs.

C.4 Mastering the skills of planning, implementation, evaluation and follow-up

  D. General skills:

d.1- The ability to solve problems and make decisions in areas of specialization.

d.2-  Ability to lead, supervise and work with a team.

d.3- Communication skill and dealing with others.

d.4- Good listening, persuasion and negotiation.

Certificate Rewarded

Master of Accountancy

Entry Reuirements

The general regulations governing graduate studies affairs in Libya are applied, as well as the internal regulations organizing graduate studies affairs at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science approved by the University Council.

Study Plan

The Master in accounting prepares students to qualify for Master in accounting. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 3 Years of study, in which the student will study a total of 33 units, which include 6 units of general subjects, and 24 major units, 3 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ACC 630 accounting theory 03 Compulsory +

ACC 631 Studies in review 03 Compulsory +

ACC 632 Studies in cost accounting 03 Compulsory +

ACC 634 Studies in accounting information systems 03 Compulsory +

ACC 635 Studies in international accounting 03 Compulsory +

ACC 636 Research methods in accounting 03 Compulsory +

ACC 637 Studies in tax accounting 03 Elective +

ACC 639 Studies in financial accounting 03 Elective +

ACC633 Studies in management accounting 03 Compulsory +

ACC638 Studies in the analysis of financial statements 03 Elective +

It deals with the financial analysis of the financial statements and the Islamic analysis of the financial statements. The course includes Islamic analysis of financial statements and Islamic analysis of financial statements. The course includes Islamic analysis of financial statements and Islamic analysis of Islamic companies and Islamic commercial companies. The course includes Islamic analysis of Islamic companies and Islamic analysis of Islamic commercial companies. The course also includes the Islamic analysis of Islamic companies and the Islamic analysis of financial statements. The course also includes Islamic analysis of Islamic companies, Islamic analysis of financial statements, Islamic analysis of Islamic companies, and Islamic analysis of Islamic commercial companies.

ECO610 03 General +

It explains the different methods of analyzing a micro market, the impact that micro operators have on the micro market, and the impact that micro operators have on the overall economy. Microeconomics course also explains economic problems related to micro investments, financial management related to micro market, micro integration and financial risk management related to micro market. The course also deals with micro-market forms, micro-market financial management, micro-market financial management, micro-investments and micro-market financial risk management.

FIN661 Financial Department (Finance Department) 03 Compulsory +

It touches on the science of financial management, which is the sophisticated use of various methods to control a person's money. The course studies financial analysis, financial procedures that include financial management, financial financing and financial planning, and different methods for analyzing stocks and financial markets. The course also deals with financial procedures related to companies, financial markets, and financial analysis of companies. The course also deals with the operational procedures that need to be taken to achieve the financial goals.

STAT600 Advanced statistics 03 General +

It involves the statistical analysis of statistical data and the conduct of statistical analysis of statistical data. The course also includes the statistical analysis of financial statements and other statistical data. The course also includes statistical analysis of statistical data related to statistics and statistical analysis of financial data. The course also includes the statistical analysis of statistical data related to general statistics and individual statistics. The course also includes the statistical analysis of statistical data related to applied statistics. The course also includes the statistical analysis of statistical data related to statistical forecasts and applied statistics for forecasts.