Master in Atmospheric science

University of Tripoli - Department of Atmospheric Science



This program grants a high degree (master's degree) in atmospheric science by studying a number of general, specialized, and supportive courses.


1· Prepare graduates capable of identifying atmospheric waves and how to filter them.

2· Prepare graduates able to display different ways to build numerical models and know their basic equations.

3· Prepare graduates capable of knowing the physics of clouds and the dynamics of clouds in terms of their composition and movement.


1. (Ability to recall, retrieve and repeat information without change), such as knowledge of specific facts (specific events, specific dates, characteristics), knowledge of technical terminology (verbal and non-verbal code connotations), knowledge of common terminology to deal with phenomena or knowledge, knowledge of classifications and categories, knowledge of criteria, knowledge of methodology and methods of research, knowledge of generalities and abstracts (principles, circulars and knowledge of systems)

2. (the ability to interpret or reformulate information obtained by the student at the level of knowledge in his own language and includes translation, interpretation, and conclusion), such as explanation, clarification, interpretation, description, drawing, reference, etc...

Certificate Rewarded

Masters degree

Entry Reuirements

1· Obtaining a bachelor's degree in aerial cover or equivalent certificate.

2· Pass the entrance exam preparation for the postgraduate program.

Study Plan

The Master in Atmospheric science prepares students to qualify for Master in Atmospheric science. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 5 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 36 units, which include 0 units of general subjects, and 22 major units, 12 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AT601 Cloud and Precipitation Physics 03 Compulsory +

1. Know the physics of clouds and the dynamics of clouds in terms of their formation and movement, as well as the thermodynamics of dry air and water vapor.2. Understanding the properties of moist air, the mixing process of air masses, the condensation of water vapor on condensation nuclei, and the growth of water droplets by condensation.3. Identifying the process of initiating rain within warm clouds and the growth of water droplets through two processes of collision and union of droplets. Also looking at the role of air turbulence in terms of speeding up or slowing down the collision and fusion of water droplets with each other.4. Familiarity with the favorable conditions for the formation and growth of ice crystals, nucleation of ice condensation, ice growth by aggregation, weather radar and radar work equation, weather modification (typical simulation of rain and snow).

AT602 Advanced Dynamic Meteorology and General Circulation of the Atmosphere 03 Compulsory +

1. Definition of general atmospheric circulation, laws, and equations that control atmospheric circulation (status equation, continuity equation, first law of thermodynamics, thermodynamic equation of pressure propensity). It also defines the average field of movement, the polar spherical coordinates system, the pressure coordinates system.3. Knowledge of ancient traditional and twentieth-century theories about the general circulation of the atmosphere.4. Study of retention and equilibrium in the atmosphere, turbulent field of movement, spatial and temporal analysis of the field of movement, and theory of determination.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AT603 Introduction to Numerical Weather Prediction 03 Compulsory +

1. Introducing the science of numerical forecasts in the field of meteorology, as well as the limited differences in space and time. Training on finite difference methods and applying them to some equations. Introduction to atmospheric waves, how to filter them, how to filter and neutralize sound and gravity waves.2. Studying the Bar and Tropy numerical model, the Baroclinic numerical model, the shallow water model, the shallow water model (using Fortran language) and also the multilayer numerical model.3. Acquiring the skill of building models by solving equations numerically. Introducing the different methods of building numerical models and knowing their basic equations. Convert basic equations to sigma coordinates. Conclusion of some simple numerical models and the reasons for the existence of boundary conditions when studying different models.

AT604 Environmental Meteorology 03 Compulsory +

1. Introduction to the general ecosystem and ecosystems, air pollutants - The interaction of pollutants with gases in the lower layer and in the upper atmosphere, how to control air pollution, and control particles emitted by air. Definition of how to address environmental pollution.2. Familiarity with the weather events associated with pollution and associated physical and chemical sciences, pollution of the troposphere - stratosphere - ozone hole - acidic rain. Also, natural disasters are associated with weather events and heat pollution - water pollution - soil pollution.3. Identification of monitoring and measurement devices for air pollution, and analysis of pollution data.4. Understand the mechanism for calculating pollution loads, using numerical models to calculate pollution and also numerical models to control and control pollution.

AT612 Climate Change 03 Elective +

1. Knowledge of climate change science, climate change indicators, and global warming.2. Identifying the causes of climate change, the hypotheses of climate change, and the methods of chronicling old climates.3. Familiarity with climate models, types of climate models, representation or absorption of data in climate models, a scenario of climate emissions, and understanding of dimensional phenomena and their different impacts.4. Enable calculation of climate change trends, probability density function, linear regression, application of Man Kendall test, knowledge of climate change energy sources, identification of international organizations, and international conventions on climate change.

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AT605 Climate Time Series Analysis 03 Compulsory +

1. For the definition of climatic chronology, the general orientation of sequences, seasonal sequences, periodic sequences, Markov chains, and data conversion methods: differential method - seasonal adjustment method. Prediction: - How to predict the future - Degree of the accuracy of prediction - Prediction of using regression versus prediction of time series, methods of booting using averages - Methods of dismantling: Vehicle reconciliation direction - Different types of moving averages, methods, and numerical metrics in measuring prediction accuracy.2. Familiarize with applications on climate data for various weather factors, MAD, MSE, and MAPE methods to pave and dismantle. Box-Jenkins Templates for Time Series Prediction: Recognizing the characteristics of these models.3. Familiarity with self-correlation, partial and multiple self-correlation, and applications to different climatic factors. too. Handle data with seasonal compounds, model reconciliation, computer-generated data chains, and real data.

AT610 Topics in Atmospheric Science 01 Compulsory +

1. Generally publicize meteorological topics expected to be selected by postgraduate students in the master's thesis. Study topics in energy, renewable energy, topics in climate change 1, topics in climate change 2, topics in climate change 3.2. Study of topics in water, topics in air pollution, topics in remote phenomena (NAO), topics in remote phenomena (ENSO), and topics in marine observation.3. Study of topics in remote sensing, topics in the use of satellites in meteorology, and other topics periodically identified.

TW600 Technical Writing 02 University requirement +

1. Ability to organize and arrange ideas and organize and coordinate the research program (graduation project).2. How to prepare a research proposal and write scientific reports according to the requirements of the plan.3. Writing the graduation project in a smooth and harmonious manner and in a scientific context.4. Description and analysis of tables and shapes.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AT627 Satellite Meteorology 03 Elective +

• Introducing the basics of satellites, satellite weather systems imaging, atmospheric element data, and estimation of atmospheric, ocean, and Earth elements. Also, the definition of meteorological satellites (NSAT series, Meteoset, NOAA).• Measuring aerial elements by active sensors of satellites, measuring atmospheric temperature, humidity, type and height of clouds, rain, amount of atmospheric dust, etc using satellite technology. Deriving elements of the atmosphere, oceans, and Earth from satellites, interpreting satellite images.• Satellite input for digital modeling and climate studies, active remote sensing for meteorology.• Familiarity with applications of satellite-derived elements in the weather service: Dvorak's technique is used (to track tropical cyclones, air blocks, fronts, jet currents, monsoons, and nau and Nino phenomena. Also familiarity with the use of satellite data for climate change studies, rainfall change (drought, floods, etc...), and interaction between air and ocean water.

AT633 Atmospheric Water Resources 03 Elective +

1. Definition of the fundamentals of hydrology - water origin - water classifications - water in the natural environment - general hydrological cycle, surface water - surface watercourse - water levels - proportion measurement - torrents - rivers - factors influencing river runoff. Lakes - water budget - leaching of surface water.2. Definition of atmospheric elements associated with water and solar radiation - radiation absorption in the atmosphere - radiation reflection in the atmosphere - Earth's radiation balance, methods of estimating evaporation rates, factors influencing evaporation, clouds, condensation.3. Study the micro-terminology method of precipitation calculations - classification of precipitation and its types - precipitation factors - precipitation measurements - liquid precipitation and solid precipitation - estimation of lost precipitation readings - estimation of the amount of precipitation over a given area - precipitation fluctuation - spatial distribution of precipitation. The time change of precipitation, the geographical change of precipitation, the rain of hot fronts, the rain of cold fronts, the coup d 'état, and the terrain rains. Know the methods of determining the rate of rainfall in a given area: a - the method of computational average: b - the method of Thiessen polygons: c - the method of lines equal to rain.4. Familiarity with the different applications of water and its diverse sources in the atmosphere: applying the determination of rainfall rate to a drainage basin using equations 1 - calculated average method 2 - matching line method 3 - polygon method 4 - micro-terminology method. Apply daily evaporation quantification in some regions using the Meyer equation and illustrate the results of this equation graphically and on the map. Applying the estimate of average monthly evaporation in some areas of Libya using average monthly temperatures and relative humidity, with results illustrated in graphic form and on Libya's map.

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AT632 Desertification 03 Elective +

1. Knowledge of desertification: fundamental characteristics of desertification, causes and gravity of desertification, desertification outcomes, combating desertification, the economic impact of desertification, UNCCD, and combating desertification in Libya. too.2. Definition of drought, classification of drought, drought variables, droughts, varying droughts, history of droughts, drought mitigation strategy, drought characteristics3. Knowledge of Traditional Drought Indicators: Lange Index (Rain Coefficient Index), Demarton Index (Aridity Index), MAGS Index, Amberge Index, Ivanov Index, Copen Index, Moral Index, Transo Index, Cabot-Ri Index, Silianinov Index, Bodeco Index o, Thornthwaite, UNesco drought, Walter Method ter4. Familiarity with modern drought indicators: rate deviation ratio index, tender index, precipitation deviation index (anomaly), China Z index, standard precipitation index (SPI), standard precipitation-evaporation index, Palmer drought severity index, drought-param index, thermal hydrological index.

AT699 Thesis 06 Compulsory +

1. Ability to resolve and address the issue of scientific research in one of the theoretical or practical branches in the fields of the scientific department.2. The student's knowledge of the mechanism of doing research and developing skills and ways of thinking in dealing with scientific research to complete the resultsand analyse, write, and defend the letter. 3. The ability to write reports, submit and discuss photographic presentations (or defend its style) on its ideas.