Master in Fish diseases

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Department of Poultry & Fish Disease



This program is implemented through the study of academic courses, so that the number of units is not less than (24) and not more than (30) units of study over 3 semesters, in addition to the completion of a specialized scientific research thesis with (6) credits. The legal period required to obtain a master’s degree that the student spends in the department since joining, registering and graduating from it shall not be less than (18) months, and that the period shall not exceed (36) months, in accordance with Articles (124) and (126) mentioned in Regulation No. 501 of 2010 , regarding the issuance of the regulation regulating higher education. Note that the minimum compulsory hours is (14) for the mentioned programs.


The knowledge and field experience of postgraduate students are updated, by qualifying them to know poultry diseases, especially an accurate understanding of its pathogens, viral, bacterial, parasitic and nutritional deficiency diseases. The department aims to raise the level that enables students to conduct a master’s thesis research, in terms of preparing the research plan, the student’s ability to conduct research, compiling, analyzing, writing and discussing the results.


The program was designed to the postgraduate students updated and qualify them to know fish diseases, especially an accurate understanding of its pathogens, viral, bacterial, parasitic, nutritional deficiency, and environmental diseases. The department aims to raise the level that enables students to conduct a master’s thesis research, in terms of preparing the research plan, the student’s ability to conduct research, compiling, analyzing, writing, and discussing the results.

Certificate Rewarded

Master of Poultry Diseases (M. V. Sc) in Poultry Diseases 

Entry Reuirements

The conditions set forth in Regulation No. (501) of 2010 regarding the issuance of the regulation of higher education shall apply, in addition to the following conditions:

1. The student must have obtained a bachelor's degree in veterinary medical sciences from one of the colleges recognized locally and internationally.

2. The student must pass the initial admission examination conducted by the College of Graduate Studies Office.

3. The student must pass the personal interview examination conducted by the department.

4. The student must meet the general conditions mentioned regarding admission according to Regulation No. (501) of 2010, regarding the issuance of the regulation for higher education.

Study Plan

The Master in Fish diseases prepares students to qualify for Master in Fish diseases. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 3 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 24 units, which include 4 units of general subjects, and 9 major units, 13 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MVFI 601 Fish Diseases and Management 1 03 Compulsory +

The course is intended to be knowledgeable and understand the aims and types of aquaculture systems and how to manage them. The capacity of the students to differentiate between the fish that can be needed for breeding. Knowing the composition and quantity of food suitable for raising fish in fish farms. The ability to identify the problems of aquaculture

MVFI 609 Fish immunity 02 Compulsory +

The course is intended to provide the student with theoretical and practical information to know the mechanism of the immune system’s operation to protect the fish’s body from entering foreign bodies such as disease-causing organisms. . The student's knowledge of the relationship between pathogens and immunizations against the diseases that cause them. The student acquires the ability to understand the mechanism of making and operating the various types of immunizations required to prevent the spread of infectious diseases among fish

MVFI 611 Crustacean Diseases and Management 02 Compulsory +

1. It is necessary for the student to know what crustaceans are and their role in the marine environment.2. Recognize the external morphology and internal structure of crustaceans. 3. Recognize the diseases that affect crustaceans and how to treat them.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MVFI 605 Fish Diseases and Management 2 03 Compulsory +

The student should be knowledgeable and understand the importance of the quality of water parameters for getting successful aquaculture. Knowledge of how to deal with aquatic animals especially fish without any stressors factors. The Capacity of students to differentiate between non-infectious and infectious diseases. Recognize the different types of bacterial diseases that may be infections of fish.


3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MVRM200 Research Methods 02 General +

1. The student's knowledge of the general methods of research methodology, including the basic concepts used in quantitative and qualitative research methods2. The student's knowledge of everything that includes the Internet in terms of computer applications to obtain research3. The student's knowledge of research methods in the field of study, quantitative and qualitative elective studies, and methods of writing master's theses

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
(MVFI 608 Fish parasitic Diseases 02 Elective +

1. The student should know and understand the importance of parasites in the life cycle of the fish. 2. Understand the mechanisms of parasites on the fish health state. 3. Capacity of students to differentiate between the different types of parasites infection fish. 4. Ability of students to identify and isolation of parasites from fish in the Lab and final diagnosis will apply.

MVFI 603 Fish hygiene and inspection 03 Elective +

1. The student should be able to classify the freshness and quality levels of fish and marine products. 2. Acquires the ability to differentiate between healthy and spoiled marine products (fish and crustaceans). 3. Knowing the correct and proper steps in the process of handling fish and fish products. 3- Intended learning outcomes of the course (ILOs).

MVFI 607 Advanced Microbiology 03 Elective +

1. The student should know and understand the importance of the bacterial and mycotic in the life cycle of the fish. 2. Identifying the pathogenicity and diagnostic differentiation between bacterial diseases and fungal diseases, in addition to their impact on fish health. 3. The ability of students to identify and isolation of bacterial and mycotic microorganisms from fish in the Lab and final diagnosis will apply. 4. Identify veterinary medicinal drugs used in the prevention and treatment of infected fish and the mechanism for their use.

MVFI 610 Fish Viral Diseases 02 Elective +

1. Providing the student with theoretical and practical information to know the types of viral diseases that affect fish. 2. Acquisition of knowledge of the types of viruses that cause disease and how to diagnose, treat and prevent them. 3. Preparing the student to know how to use traditional and modern techniques in detecting viral causes. 4. Identify veterinary medicinal drugs and vaccines used in the prevention and treatment of infected fish and the mechanism for their use.